Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There is nothing cuter than little kids playing soccer. The boy started soccer this week. Actually he started last week but I couldn't go to that practice so if I don't see it then it dosen't officially happen. He played TBall this summer but this is so much more to watch. He is only four and has really no idea about how to play the game, TBall or soccer. Soccer, though, is much more fun because even if you don't know how to play the game you get to run around like a crazy person.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Generation X stand up and represent!

It occurred to me yesterday at work that in my work environment I am a dying breed. When I first became a nurse there were a few people my age. Michelle, Allison, Shawna, Tisha, Leah. Slowly but surely they have all left except Allison who I never see. I currently work with people who are either at least ten years older than me or at least 6 years younger than me. Most of them the latter. Don't get me wrong, these are some great people but it'd be nice to have something in common with these people besides work. Someone who watched the Cosby show in real time and not in reruns. Someone who remembers Michael Jacksons real face when he was kinda cool, wore jelly shoes and waaaay to many bracelets!

Friday, September 12, 2008

There will be gas

My husband just called and asked if I had gas in my car. I told him I had put some in yesterday, it wasn't full but it would last for a while. He said that he had just heard from several people that gas prices were going up and that St.Louis was at six dollars a gallon and Olney Illinois was at five dollars a gallon. He wondered if we should fill up? This drives me CRAZY! This what happens every time there is any major issue in the world now. Even if it isn't a major issue, even if someone sneezes gas prices go up. Or, should I say, gas prices are speculated to go up. I did some research and gas is not currently at 5 or 6 dollars a gallon in St. Louis or anywhere else around here. People! calm down there have been problems before there will be problems again. There will be gas.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Star struck

I am probably the most star struck peson I know. I watch too much T.V. I read Star magazine waaay to much. I have been big cities on both coasts. But, sadly, I have never met a real celebrtiy. I have stalked Matt Damon when he was in Decatur, I went to Springfield to see Obama announce his canidacy, I have driven around Champaign looking for the place Michael Jordan was staying while is son was playing basketball...nothing. I haven't been totally unsuccessful I guess. I spoke to Judy Frazier at the Champaign mall once, I and I met Butch the guy from Olney who was on Survivor a few seasons back. I just wonder, though, if maybe I'm trying to hard? The other day I had a potential brush with an important person. My friend Karen got two tickets to see Barack Obama speak in Terre Haute. The first person she asked was our friend Michelle who is a long time crazy democrat. While I guess I would consider myself a democrat Michelle is a die-hard. Anyway, Michelle wasn't home so she left her a message and called Tisha. Tisha couldn't go so Karen was just about to call me when Michelle called her back. So they next morning they headed to Terre Haute. The seats were pretty good but at the end they stood along the fence watitng to maybe get close when what happens???? He comes up to them, talks to them, HUGS THEM!!!! Apparently he smelled very good yet I wouldn't know. My brush with fame was yet again shot down. Maybe someday. For now I will have to be happy with the fact that I touched Butch from survivor.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When I was in high school, starting my sophomore year september was a sad time. Between my freshman and sophomore year I dated a boy who, in September went to the air force. Between my junior and senior year I dated a boy who went away to college. During college I dated a boy who transferred to a different college than me. September was all about change and I HATE change. There were good Septembers in there too. Actually since meeting my husband Septembers have been very good. We got married in September.
Now there is starting to be another change in September that I'm not liking. School. We got a phone call yesterday from my 4 year olds teacher telling us that his preschool starts September second. This is not his first year of preschool but this year he closer to kindergarten. Next year my first born baby will be going to school all day. He will be doing things that I have no control over. So a person that hates change is not a big fan of her baby growing up.
Once it gets started though, things will be ok. There is part of me that will actually look forward to some time alone with my 1 year old. She hasn't gotten much mommy time.
So I guess if you look at the bright side, if I hadn't lost all of those boyfriends in September I might not have found my wonderful husband. I supposed there is a bright side to sending my baby off to school too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Whats the point?

What exactly is the point of men's gymnastics? I don't mean to imply that it has no use in the world but they need to work on it's presentation. I am mostly talking about the floor exercises. When the women do this event there is music. They do their little pretend dancer things in between their flipping and flopping and it looks ok because of the music. When the men do it, it looks like a seizure.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dude looks like a guitar hero

Simce this crazy economy has limited our fun activities the husband and the kids and I rented some games for the Wii. A family video came to our town a few months ago but before today I had not set foot in a video store. I used to rent movies all of the time. Then after the kids I just didn't have the time to sit and watch an entire movie during the alotted rental time. I tried the Blockbust online but I wasn't wathcing enough movies to make it worth my while. Now I am down to DVRing movies off of HBO and watching bits and pieces of them until they are done.
Anyway, we didn't rent videos we rented three games. The first two, "Monster Jam" and Mario Cart" were for the boy and and for the husband too but Guitar hero Aerosmith was for mama. We got our Wii last spring and soon after got the guitar hero III. I was hooked instantly. Since that time I have totally exhausted the same old songs. I as so excited when I started Guitarsmith as my son calls it. I was quickly disappointed though. The game is set up totally different in that you have to play every song. Initially you play some other bands songs, some I liked some I didn't. Then you play the Aerosmith songs. I though I was a pretty decent Aerosmith fan but apparently not. I didn't play a song I knew until I was about 6 or 8 songs in. Then it got more fun. Unfortunatly I am now tired and am going to bed. I'll try it again tomorrow and see but I think I am mildly unimpressed with the guitar hero Aerosmith.