Friday, August 15, 2008

Dude looks like a guitar hero

Simce this crazy economy has limited our fun activities the husband and the kids and I rented some games for the Wii. A family video came to our town a few months ago but before today I had not set foot in a video store. I used to rent movies all of the time. Then after the kids I just didn't have the time to sit and watch an entire movie during the alotted rental time. I tried the Blockbust online but I wasn't wathcing enough movies to make it worth my while. Now I am down to DVRing movies off of HBO and watching bits and pieces of them until they are done.
Anyway, we didn't rent videos we rented three games. The first two, "Monster Jam" and Mario Cart" were for the boy and and for the husband too but Guitar hero Aerosmith was for mama. We got our Wii last spring and soon after got the guitar hero III. I was hooked instantly. Since that time I have totally exhausted the same old songs. I as so excited when I started Guitarsmith as my son calls it. I was quickly disappointed though. The game is set up totally different in that you have to play every song. Initially you play some other bands songs, some I liked some I didn't. Then you play the Aerosmith songs. I though I was a pretty decent Aerosmith fan but apparently not. I didn't play a song I knew until I was about 6 or 8 songs in. Then it got more fun. Unfortunatly I am now tired and am going to bed. I'll try it again tomorrow and see but I think I am mildly unimpressed with the guitar hero Aerosmith.