Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When I was in high school, starting my sophomore year september was a sad time. Between my freshman and sophomore year I dated a boy who, in September went to the air force. Between my junior and senior year I dated a boy who went away to college. During college I dated a boy who transferred to a different college than me. September was all about change and I HATE change. There were good Septembers in there too. Actually since meeting my husband Septembers have been very good. We got married in September.
Now there is starting to be another change in September that I'm not liking. School. We got a phone call yesterday from my 4 year olds teacher telling us that his preschool starts September second. This is not his first year of preschool but this year he closer to kindergarten. Next year my first born baby will be going to school all day. He will be doing things that I have no control over. So a person that hates change is not a big fan of her baby growing up.
Once it gets started though, things will be ok. There is part of me that will actually look forward to some time alone with my 1 year old. She hasn't gotten much mommy time.
So I guess if you look at the bright side, if I hadn't lost all of those boyfriends in September I might not have found my wonderful husband. I supposed there is a bright side to sending my baby off to school too!


Sass said...

I've never liked September, either.

I like October, because then the changes have grown on me, I suppose.

The school thing only takes about...a week. Then you're cool with it. Trust me. ;-)