Thursday, September 11, 2008

Star struck

I am probably the most star struck peson I know. I watch too much T.V. I read Star magazine waaay to much. I have been big cities on both coasts. But, sadly, I have never met a real celebrtiy. I have stalked Matt Damon when he was in Decatur, I went to Springfield to see Obama announce his canidacy, I have driven around Champaign looking for the place Michael Jordan was staying while is son was playing basketball...nothing. I haven't been totally unsuccessful I guess. I spoke to Judy Frazier at the Champaign mall once, I and I met Butch the guy from Olney who was on Survivor a few seasons back. I just wonder, though, if maybe I'm trying to hard? The other day I had a potential brush with an important person. My friend Karen got two tickets to see Barack Obama speak in Terre Haute. The first person she asked was our friend Michelle who is a long time crazy democrat. While I guess I would consider myself a democrat Michelle is a die-hard. Anyway, Michelle wasn't home so she left her a message and called Tisha. Tisha couldn't go so Karen was just about to call me when Michelle called her back. So they next morning they headed to Terre Haute. The seats were pretty good but at the end they stood along the fence watitng to maybe get close when what happens???? He comes up to them, talks to them, HUGS THEM!!!! Apparently he smelled very good yet I wouldn't know. My brush with fame was yet again shot down. Maybe someday. For now I will have to be happy with the fact that I touched Butch from survivor.


Sass said...

Remember when I snuck to the floor section at some stupid R&B concert? And the guy singing (Silk, I think was the group) held my hand for a second.

That's my only brush with fame. We kinda suck, don't we. ;)