Friday, September 12, 2008

There will be gas

My husband just called and asked if I had gas in my car. I told him I had put some in yesterday, it wasn't full but it would last for a while. He said that he had just heard from several people that gas prices were going up and that St.Louis was at six dollars a gallon and Olney Illinois was at five dollars a gallon. He wondered if we should fill up? This drives me CRAZY! This what happens every time there is any major issue in the world now. Even if it isn't a major issue, even if someone sneezes gas prices go up. Or, should I say, gas prices are speculated to go up. I did some research and gas is not currently at 5 or 6 dollars a gallon in St. Louis or anywhere else around here. People! calm down there have been problems before there will be problems again. There will be gas.


Sass said...

Geez. I thought, judging by the title, this was going to be about living with me in college.


rachel said...

College-schmollege its about being around you anytime

Janine / Being Brazen said...

The price of gas (or as we over here say , Petrol) is silly everywhere.

Oh, except in Dubai - where apparently water is more expensive than gas :)